
导读:足球运动起源英文版Some say football was first played by the Aztecs in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, but a more direct (and FIFA reco


Some say football was first played by the Aztecs in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, 

but a more direct (and FIFA recognized) origin comes from a game called Cuju (meaning “kick ball”) 

was played in ancient China The ball was made of panels of leather sewn together and inflated with hair and other soft fillings rather than air

It was in England where the modern game was institutionalized and popularized According to English records

In 1815 at Eton College, the rules of the modern game were first introduced 

In 1863, the English Football Association was established to define the rules and manage other aspects of the game















人民网-中国最早足球俱乐部 比曼联早800年

















Although it may be impossible to accurately state when and where the game of soccer originated, history has shown us glimpses of a game similar to our present day version being played for over 3000 years

Around the 2nd or 3rd Century BC, it was documented that the Chinese military during the Han Dynasty played a game involving kicking a ball into a *** all net

A game similar to soccer was played by the ancient Greeks and Romans but their game could include up to 27 players on a side compared to the modern day game of 11 players to a side

Soccer became one of the most popular sports of the masses due to its popularity as a war game A game of "football" which the British called it, was played in the east of England during the 8th Century where the head of a defeated Danish Prince was used as the ball

During medieval times, villages and towns were pitted against each other in game battles that could take all day There were no structured rules to abide by and kicking, biting, gouging and punching turned the game into a virtual battle of survival These matches became so violent that the English authorities made many attempts to have soccer banned

King Edward III from England passed laws in 1331 to abolish the game and Queen Elizabeth I had a law passed that provided a one week jail sentence for anyone caught playing soccer

Despite these efforts, the game of soccer became so popular in England over the next few centuries that it evolved as the most popular sport of its time

At this point, the only shortcoming of the sport was its lack of rules or standards In 1815, Eton College, a famous English school, established a set of rules to be implemented by other schools, colleges and universities

A standardized version of these rules were later adopted in 1848 by most of England's colleges and universities that were known as the Cambridge Rules

Unfortunately, at this point, there were still two different sets of rules being used Some colleges favored the Rugby Rules which allowed carrying the ball with your hands, tripping and kicking to the shins which were contrary to the Cambridge Rules

In 1863, The Football Association was created by eleven English soccer clubs and schools to establish a single set of rules to be enforced when they played against each other

The supporters of the Rugby School rules objected to the changes and the two groups split apart The Football Association later changed the rules in 1869 where they forbade the use of hands, except by the goalie, which led us to the game of soccer as we know it today

The English still called it a game of "football" because the ball was played primarily with the feet but in the late 18th Century, the word, "soccer", was first used by a student of Oxford University by the name of Charles Wreford Brown The students at Oxford were known for using slang where they added "er" to the end of words that they intentionally shortened The game of Rugby was called "rugger" Brown shortened the word "association" and added "er" and the term "soccer" was born

Since the 19th Century the game has evolved to where it is today It is the World's Game that is played by more people than any other sport and is universally recognized as the most popular game in sports history

The World Cup which is held every four years to crown a World Champion draws millions of spectators to the 32 games played and is watched by billions of fans from around the globe thanks to modern day satellite television technology

The popularity of soccer continues to grow as organized youth soccer programs are getting a young fan base involved at an early age which will fuel its growth for years to come

世界杯(World Cup)即国际足联世界杯,是世界上更高水平的足球赛事。 美洲杯足球赛(america cup soccer championship) 非洲杯足球赛 非洲国家杯是非洲地区足球运动领域中更高规格的赛事,每隔两年由非洲足协举办。非洲国家杯于1968年正式开始,但在之前曾不定期地举办。 欧洲冠军杯联赛 UEFA Champions League 南美解放者杯 南美解放者杯杯简介 欧洲冠军杯的成功举办,促使南美足球联盟 (CONMEBOL)决定举办本联盟10个加盟国最强俱乐部之间的南美冠军争夺赛,并将其命名为“南美大陆解放者杯”于1960年正式开始了这一赛事。起初参赛的只是各国国内联赛的冠军队,从1966年开始决定由各国联赛的冠亚军参加。赛制经过多次修改,已基本上固定下来:(1)每2个国家(4支球队)为1组,共分成5个小组进行预赛(通过2次循环赛);(2)各预赛小组的前3名和上届冠军(不参加预赛,直接进入第2阶段比赛)共16支球队采用淘汰赛方式,进行1/8决赛、1/4决赛、半决赛、决赛,这16支球队在决赛阶段中采用主客场制,最终决出胜负。 欧洲联盟杯(UEFA Cup)是欧洲足联组织的俱乐部赛事,创建于1971/72赛季,其前身是博览会杯。 世俱杯 “世俱杯”全称为“世界冠军俱乐部联赛”,由国际足联主席布拉特一手倡导而展开。真正的所谓世界冠军俱乐部联赛是从2005年12月开始的之一届。 欧洲杯 1953年,国际足联在巴黎举行的特别代表大会上批准举办欧洲联赛,1954年6月15日,欧足联成立。次年,开始举办欧洲冠军俱乐部杯联赛,1956年,开始筹备举行由欧洲各国国家队参加的比赛。两年后,之一届欧洲国家杯(欧洲杯前身)资格赛开始进行 伦杯 “土伦杯”国际青年足球赛准确的译名应该是国际希望队足球赛,因此,参赛的希望队队员的年龄一般都是21-22岁。这个年龄正是处在由青年转向成熟的年龄段内,这些队员大多数已进入各国甲级队的行列,比赛能力提高很快。千万不能小看“土伦杯”足球赛,它比世青赛的水平还要高出一截,历来颇受国际足联和欧洲足联的重视。历史已经证明,参加“土伦杯”的球员都是各参赛国未来国家队的候选队员,“土伦杯”已成了培养国际球星的摇篮。 英格兰足总杯(简称足总杯)是由英格兰足球协会命名并主办的一项男子足球杯赛。 英格兰足总杯是世界上历史最悠久的足球比赛,英格兰各级足球俱乐部进行一对一的淘汰赛,在足总杯的比赛中经常有低级别俱乐部淘汰高级别俱乐部的冷门出现。 国王杯 是西班牙更高水平的足球杯赛。 西班牙国王杯原来的赛制,因为将西班牙四个级别的俱乐部“不分贵贱”混合捉对进行淘汰赛,被媒体评作是一项辅佐小俱乐部的杯赛。乙级、丙级以及通过资格赛的丁级俱乐部有机会与甲级俱乐部较量,这对地方足球的发展以及小俱乐部经营都有 *** 和促进作用,许多丙级球队凭借对西甲球队的一场比赛就能赚够一年的“口粮”。 意大利杯 意大利杯赛介绍 是意大利国内更高水平的足球杯赛 参加球队:所有意大利足协成员球队(即甲、乙、丙三个组别),但同属一个球会只能派出一队参赛。 赛制:比赛共分为两个阶段,首阶段为丙组外围赛及分组赛,外围赛由上年度属丙组的球队进行对垒,争夺10个出线分组赛席位。晋级队伍将连同上年度甲组降班的4队(甲组第15至18名)及上年度乙组3至20名,合共32队进行分组比赛。 分组赛:分组赛以抽签形式将32支球队分成8个小组,每组共4队,以双循环得分 *** 赛(双循环:两队球队分别以主场及作客身份对赛两次。得分计算:每场赛事胜方得3分,负方无分,和局两队各得1分。)最后以积分多寡排名次序,若积分相同则以对赛成绩来区别排名,若对赛成绩相同,则采取对赛作客入球优惠制(作客球队的入球球数双计),即对赛双方作客时取得较多入球队伍可出线。倘若两队入球数目亦相同,则以总得失球来区别排名。8个小组首名可以晋身次阶段的主客淘汰赛。 次阶段:次阶段共分为5轮,由此轮起比赛将以单淘汰主客制形式进行。若主客两回合总计入球数相同,则计算作客入球优惠,若仍未能分出胜负,则须加时再决胜负,加时采取黄金入球制,即首先取得入球一方胜出。若加时后仍未能分出胜负,则要以互射十二码决胜负。之一轮由分组赛晋级的8队,以抽签形式被分配到新加入的8支球队(此8队为上年度乙组首次名及甲组9至14名)作对赛。 之一轮晋级的8支队伍,再以抽签形式被分配到最后加入的8支种子球队(上年度甲组1至8名)作对赛。随后晋级的球队会以抽签形式对赛,直至产生冠军为止。 德国杯 简称DFB-CUP(German Football Association Cup),起源于1934年。不但职业球队要参加,业余球队也可参与其中。按照原来的赛制,职业球队是不需要参加之一轮比赛的。但德国足协于1999年10月23日开会决定,从2000-2001赛季开始,所有的职业球队都与业余球队平起平坐,均从之一轮开始较量。 德国杯的抽签:18支德甲球队和14支德乙球队的编号在之一个抽签箱,第二个抽签箱里放有24支业余球队、4支德乙升班马和4支德乙降级球队的编号。由抽签者分别从两个箱子抽出两支球队进行对碰。第二个箱子的32支球队拥有主场优势。从第二到第四轮的抽签与之一轮相同,晋级球队按强弱分为1、2两号抽签箱,2号抽签箱里的球队有主场优势。 第四轮过后产生四支半决赛球队,他们的对阵形势也是由抽签决定。这一次的抽签不再分两个抽签箱,而是把四支球队都放在一个抽签箱里,分两次抽出其对阵形势。先抽出的两个队具有主场优势。但如果有业余球队杀进半决赛,他们无论是否被先抽到都具有主场优势。 半决赛胜出的两支球队将于柏林的奥林匹克运动场进行决赛的较量。90分钟内打平的话就进行加时赛,120分钟内打平则进行点球大战。


Football, "the world's first movement," the reputation of the world's most influential sports single sports The standard of football played by two teams of 10 players each with 1 goalkeepers, a total of 11 people, against the attack in the rectangular grass on the pitch The purpose of the game is to try to put the ball into the opponent's goal, each shot can get a point, when the game is over, the team scored the most wins

美洲杯足球赛:Copa America

随着中超联赛影响力的与日俱增,很多南美国家队都征召了不少的中超球员,其中包括阿根廷和巴西这样的强队。当然,也有哥伦比亚这样的球队对中超存在偏见,瓜林、恩里克都未获征召。其中,巴西队更是连招两人,北京国安的核心,前巴甲MVP奥古斯托和山东鲁能的后场大将吉尔都 *** 前去参加美洲杯。




The game of football is any of several similar team sports, of similar origins which involve advancing a ball into a goal area in an attempt to score Many of these involve kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal, though not all codes of football using kicking as a primary means of advancing the ball or scoring The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just "football" or "soccer" Unqualified, the word football applies to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears, including American football, Australian rules football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, rugby league, rugby union and other related games These variations are known as "codes"足球是团队运动的几种相似,相似的起源涉及推进球进入球门区在试图得分。这些涉及许多开始踢球脚射门得分,虽然不是所有的代码使用踢足球作为推进球或得分的主要手段。其中更受欢迎的体育世界足球协会,通常被称为“足球”、“足球”。不合格的,足球也适用于任何形式的足球的字是该单词的区域范围内更受欢迎的,包括美国足球,澳大利亚规则足球,加拿大足球,盖尔式足球,橄榄球,橄榄球联盟和其他相关的游戏。这些变化被称为“代码”。