
导读:一个民族,一个国家,是要有一种精神的。一种能鼓舞人奋发进取的精神。中国奥运精神,正是顺应时代的潮流,应运而生。它是以往精神珍宝的继承和发扬,是溶入进亿万人心血的新力作。 圣火、五环、中国印……2008年北京奥运会离我们越来越近。在祖国各地

一个民族,一个国家,是要有一种精神的。一种能鼓舞人奋发进取的精神。中国奥运精神,正是顺应时代的潮流,应运而生。它是以往精神珍宝的继承和发扬,是溶入进亿万人心血的新力作。 圣火、五环、中国印……2008年北京奥运会离我们越来越近。在祖国各地,无数少年儿童欢呼跳跃,翘首期盼2008年北京奥运会。2008是五色的,红,黄,绿,蓝,黑。红色,是跳动的火焰,它代表了奥运圣火。这圣火,自公元前在古希腊神殿前燃起后,就从不曾熄灭。这圣火,虽经历了战争与黑暗,但依然纯洁。就是这般纯洁神圣,让世界每一个人都对他向往。每每燃起圣火,让人久久不能自已,喜泪盈眶;**,代表了北京,代表了我们,黄皮肤黑眼睛的炎黄子孙。北京,作为中国的首都,长期以来都是奥林匹克运动最积极的支持者和参与者。物华天宝,人杰地灵,北京人是友善的,是热情的。当2008年到来的时候,北京人将面带微笑,手捧鲜花,喜迎天下宾客。 中国奥运精神也是顽强,拼搏,无私奉献的精神。不能忘记,上个世纪80年代,女排精神带给人们的巨大鼓舞,怎能忘记2004年奥运金牌榜上,中国代表团挤身前三甲。五星红旗一次又一次升起,国歌一遍又一遍奏响。我们的体育健儿为了这一刻不知流了多少汗水。而他们的背后有无数的教练,陪练,医生,厨师等在支持着。奖牌和鲜花,属于为国争光的体坛强者,更属于众多的无名英雄。人的能力有大小,社会分工有不同,只要在自己的岗位上兢兢业业,彼此帮助,万众一心,那就无愧于民族。 虽然我们的世界如今并不太平,霸权主义、恐怖主义一直笼罩在人类的头上,然而,在世界人民的共同努力下,和平仍然是我们这个世界的主流,‘团结、友谊、和平’仍然是国际社会的共同心声。而中国奥运精神更是面向世界,博览众长的精神。 “九州生气恃风雷”这光茫四射的中国奥运精神,显示出巨大的凝聚力,伟大的创造力,已深入到每一个炎黄子孙的心中,现在最令我期待和兴奋的是2008年即将在中国的首都——北京,召开的第29届奥运会。我坚信,那将是全世界人民最难忘的一次聚会,一次绿色与美丽,文化与传统,公平与友爱的盛会,一次给奥运这个名词带来更加深远意义盛会。我要为这个目标而努力学习,学习历史、英语和各地文化习俗,将来为北京奥运服务,让全世界看到一个热情、文明、美丽、先进的中国。 我热爱奥运,我期待奥运! 改一些就行了!


I am the part of the Green Olympics

Ladies and gentlemen:

good morning!

Today, my speech is "I am the part of the Green Olympics"

"Green Olympics" is one of the Three Themes of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Therefore the Beijing government had made a great effort in order to protect the environment, build more "Green project", keep the ecological balance, push the recycling economy, and protect the water resource But if only the government take the action to realize the Green Olympics in 2008, its not enough As a Beijing high school student, we should play an active role in the actions aimed at the realization of Green Olympics So we should start it from ourselves, our family, our friends and other people around us

In 2001, in the Moscow world trade center, when the former chairman of the International Olympic Committee, Samaranch had said: "Beijing, China!" As a Beijing citizen, as a Chinese, I had a great joy for my city, for my home country from the bottom of my heart! But after the excitement that Beijing had been succeed in the race to host the Olympic Game in 2008 I started to worry about the dusty air, the sandstorm, the polluted rivers and lakes; the streets without any green and whether we could successfully host the Olympic Games in 2008

Four years later, today, we can see 229 day blue sky in one year, we can hardly catch a glimpse of the sandstorm, groups of wild duck comes back to Shishahai Lake in the spring, and all the streets are dressed in green All these make me deeply believe that Beijing will surely succeed in 2008! And all these achievements are not only the result that made by the Beijing government, but also by the 14 millions Beijing citizens As one of the 14 millions normal citizens, I am also adding my contribution to our Green Olympic!

I used to have a habit, which is to take two longtime showers every day It was a big waste of water One day, I saw a piece of news in Beijing Daily that about the lack of the Beijing water resource Its said every year Beijing use up about 37 billions cubic meter of water But Miyun reservoir only contains 077 billions cubic meter of water, and Guanting reservoir only contains 019 billion cubic meter of water This shows we are really short of water now! After reading this news, I start to change my habit, and only take one quick shower each day I have calculated that if everyone economizes one cubic meter of water during they are taking the shower in a month; the Beijing citizens will economize 14 million cubic meter of water in only one month! In 2004, as the Beijing Irrigation Apartment reported that since 2001 Beijing has succeeded in the application of hosting the Olympic game in 2008 Beijing government had started 26 programs in order to economize the water resource After 3 years doing this, these programs have saved 0437 billions cubic meter of water Its as big as a four-sized Huairou reservoir! And now, in my daily life, in my family, we always think about protecting the environment and saving the resource whenever we doing what The batteries, the aged newspapers, the empty glass bottles and all the recyclable garbage, we will classify them then put them in different trash cans; we make the most use of the nature light and shut off the electrical light conveniently; and when we shopping, we will bring a nylon bag with us instead of plastic bags; during the feast, I do not send any card in order to protect the forest resource; after washing the clothes, we wont dump the used water but use it to flash the toilet… All in all, we should start from every little thing around us to truly realize the "Green Olympic"

I still remember clearly that in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, when Liu Xiang stood up on the award platform, he was wearing a coronet, which made by olive branch Does this green olive branch stand for the "Green Olympic" Olive branch is the symbol of peace, and the Olympic Game is the carrier of the "peace" We should not just simply think, "No war is the meaning of peace" "Nature and human beings living in harmony" is also the root meaning of "peace" "Save the resource, protect the environment", this kind action of pursuing "Nature and human beings living in harmony", is the way that shows the core of the Olympian spirit So we say, peace is the spirit of Olympic, Olympic is the carrier of peace, and "Green Olympic" means that we are standing in a higher platform to seek the peace

So the "Green Olympic" should be started from every little things in our daily life, start form me, from the people that around me Express the spirit of Olympic, publicize the theme of "Green Olympic", and let Beijing really reaches the "Green Olympic" in 2008 This is the responsibility of anyone who loves peace And it is also the responsibility of our Beijing high school students!

Thank you!

September 11, 2005, in Beijing




绿色奥运是北京2008年奥运会的三大理念之一。为此北京市 *** 无论是在环境的治理、绿化的建设、生态的保护、循环经济和水资源的保护与利用,都做了大量的工作。但实现"绿色奥运"仅仅靠 *** 行为是远远不够的,作为北京的中学生更应该积极的投身到"绿色奥运"的建设与宣传当中去。从我做起,从我的家庭做起,从我身边的朋友、同学做起。

2001年,当前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇在莫斯科高声宣读:"Beijing, China"的时候,作为一个北京人,一个中国人,我发自心底的为我们的祖国,我们的首都感到高兴。但在高兴之余,那灰蒙蒙的天空,那漫天的沙尘暴,那污绿的护城河,那见不到一丝绿色的街道,又使我深为北京能否在2008年成功办好奥运而感到担心。

四年之后的今天,一年之中有了229天湛蓝的天空,那滚滚的黄尘也早已不见,那一群群久违的野鸭也在春天飞回了北京的什刹海,街道也被绿色装点的生机勃勃。这一切不知不觉的变化都在回答着我,北京一定能办好2008年的奥运!而所有这些变化不仅仅是北京市 *** 的努力,更是在 *** 领导下的无数北京市民们努力的结果。作为这一千多万普通北京市民的一员,我也在为我们的绿色奥运贡献出自己的一份力量。

以前我曾有个习惯,每天早晚冲澡两次,而且冲洗时间特别长,很浪费水。一天,我在北京日报上看到了一则关于北京水资源短缺的文章,说北京市每年用水量大概是37亿立方米,而密云水库的蓄水量仅有77亿立方米,官厅水库的蓄水量仅有19亿立方米,水资源的供需矛盾十分尖锐。看到这则报道后,我开始改变我的习惯,每天只洗一次澡,尽量在很短的时间内洗完。我算了一笔帐,每人每月洗澡节约一吨水,北京市1400万人口将节约1400万吨水。据北京市水利局2003年统计数字表明,从2001年申办奥运成功后,开始实施市 *** 制定的26项节水措施,3年来节水达到437亿立方米,相当于4个怀柔水库。现在,在我的生活中,在我的家庭里,环保、节约的思想和行为时常都有体现。电池、报纸、玻璃瓶、油壶等可回收物,我们是分别处理、存放;购物、买菜的口袋使用尼龙口袋,基本不使用塑料袋;洗衣的水重复使用于冲洗马桶……而实现绿色奥运也正是应该从身边的这些小事做起。 爱爱英语学习网站




What can I do for Beijing 2008 Olympic

I will be sixteen years old when 2008 Olympic being held in Beijing I have many dreams about it, I want to be a translator to work for foreign athletes I want to be a guider to show Beijing to foreign visitors I also want to be a athlete to win honor for China I want to be…

But as a pupil, what can I do for it now First, I should make Beijing’s environment to grow better, I can save water, electricity and paper, place garbage by classifying it, actively spread the knowledge of environmental protection Second, I should enhance my ethic , safeguard the nation’s honor and take good care of public facilities Third, I should work hard for my lessons, especially in English Fourth, I should do exercises every day to improve my health

I am proud of a Chinese I hope my country to be much stronger I look forward to 2008, I will say to the world aloud: Welcome to Beijing

China has its own sport legends In the song dynasty there was a called " cuju" game, this is the origin of ancient football After 732 in the long history of the Chinese sports, believe today are very good

"The world university games" known as "little games," said The 26th big games coming to 2011 August 12 held in shenzhen

Mascot "U" is composed of shenzhen 2011 the UNIVERSIADE emblem "happy U" developed from a *** iling face, at the same time it also has the UNIVERSIADE "the first written letters" U "form

"Start here" this concise with rich wallop sentence was 2011 shenzhen universiade slogan "Start here" also shows that the 26th universiade promote global youth friendship desire

Meanwhile, "here I am," "window of the world - attentively bears all things" is the 26th universiade volunteer slogan, shenzhen logo Reflects the volunteer's enthusia *** , dedication, sincere spirit

We are looking forward to 2011 shenzhen universiade excellent performance,Remember "Shenzhen - and the world distance!"



















  Her Majesty the queen, your highness, distinguished guests, ladies, gentlemen! In a memorable 17 days later, tonight we appreciateThe London Olympic Organizing Committee in the public institutions under the strong support, have done a fantastic job Thank you, Chris Duke, great London Olympic team We will never forget the great volunteers *** ile, kindness and support They are the Olympics really need heroesYour public and public groups for this Olympic Games provided the best channel, in order to participant enthusia *** whoop, for the participants to provide strength, for every venue brings holiday half atmosphere You show the world the hospitality of the people of the best, I know that the spirit of generosity will continue, especially when the US Paralympic athletes when admiration and supportDear athletes, you win the global audience's respect and admiration, you as history of the Olympic Games and writing a new chapter in history, which began three thousand years ago in the ancient Olympic games Through your commitment to fair competition, respect for the opponent and the failure and success to show grace, you will have the right to become Olympic man This is a happy games!





奥林匹克运动会起源于古希腊,因举办地点在奥林匹克而得名。传说古代奥运会是由众神之王宙斯所创始的。第1届古代奥运会于公元前776年举行,到公元394年共举行了293届。运动会每隔1417天即4年举行一届。后来人们将这一周期称为奥林匹克周期。随着近代体育的兴起,希腊人民希望恢复古代奥运会。在1859――1889年,希腊曾举办过4届奥运会,做了初步尝试。自1883年开始,法国人顾拜旦致力于古代奥运会的复兴。经他与若干代人的努力,国际奥林匹克委员会于1894年6月23日成立。顾拜旦制订的之一部奥林匹克 *** 强调了奥林匹克运动的业余性,规定在奥运会上只授予优胜者荣誉奖,不得以任何形式发给运动员金钱或其他物质奖励。1893年4月6――15日,之一届奥林匹克运动会在雅典举行。


















The Olympic sports games originates ancient Greece, getting because of holding a location in the OlympicFabulous and ancient Olympic game from many Wang Zeus of the absolute being initiate ofThe 1st ancient Olympic game holds in 776 BC, holding 293 totally to 394 ADThe sports games holds a namely for 4 years every 1417 daysAfterwards people will be called Olympic period on this periodAlong with the rise of the modern athletics, the Greek hopes to recover ancient Olympic gameAt 1859 the ―― 1889, the Greece has ever held 4 Olympic game, doing first step to tryStart from 1883, the Frenchman attends to do obeisance the renew that the concentrates on ancient Olympic gameBy he with some persons effort, the international Olympic committee establishes on June 23th in 1894The first Olympic charter that attends to do obeisance to establish emphasized the *** of the Olympic sport, rule last give to the championship prize of honor in the Olympic game, can not give out the athlete money or other material rewards by any formApril of in 18936 ――s on 15th, first batch the Olympic sports games Be holding Athens

Basically the ancient Olympic sports games holds every four years, being called" LIN2 PI YA3 is virtuous" on this periodPress this period to calculate, then should hold 293 totally from from 776 BC to 394 AD;But the number of times convened actually want to be little and have to be manyHowever, the ancient Olympic game contain provision, a LIN2 PI YA3 is virtuous is a, ignore to hold or not the number of times shine on calculate

Ancient Olympic game initial stage, contest item not much, so front 22 then only dayAfterwards along with the increment of the event, again extension is two daysFrom the 37th increase a young event after, time prolongs again till 5 daysBE an opening ceremony the first day among them, hold to dedicate a fiesta and take an oath a rites, the second,34 days is the concrete contents of the games, is a closing ceremony the fifth day, carry on delivering a prize with respect an absolute being activity

Ancient Olympics origins

The ancient Greece is a myth Kingdom, the beautiful moving myth story and turns and twists odd folk tale, cover with a layer a mysterious color for the origins of the ancient Olympic gameLegend:The ancient Olympic sports games is the athletics tournament activity that periodically holds for offering sacrifices to a ZeusAnother legend has something to do with Zeus' son pulling the gram The pulls the gram is big and matchless to get"strongly absolute being" because of the dint of beautiful callHe completed ordinary people and can't complete in the benefit city nation of mission, don't arrive the along while effort and then sweep clean king's heap the cow of the full cow muck, but the king do not want to implement to present 300 head XU3 NUO4 of cow, the pulls the gram to kick out a king in a petFor the sake of the celebration victory, he held a sports games in the Olympic

As for ancient Olympic game origins spread the most wide is the story that wears the to marryAncient king of Greece benefit for giving the own daughter the hu *** and of princess that chooses a versed in literary and military arts, the one who put forward to should choose has to be competed chariot with oneselfThere are 13 youths to die successively in the long pike of the king in the game under, but the 14th youth is exactly the grandson of the Zeus and the lover of the princess to wear the Encourage in the love under, he accepted the king's challenge bravely, winning by triumph by strategy finallyFor celebrating this victory, Zeus' temple that wears the and princess LIN2 PI YA3 at the held a grand wedding ago, will ascend to arrange chariot,the Cape etc item game, this be the first ancient Olympic game, wearing the ancient Olympic game a legendary geneses person

The origins of the Olympic game, have a close relation with the social circumstance of ancient Greeces actually9-8th centry BC, clan society in Greece breaks up gradually, the slave of the city nation system social gradual formation, build up more than 200 city nationsEach of the city nation is a , do not unify monarch, of the city nation war was continuouslyFor coping with war, each city nations all train soldier activelyThe Sparta city nation the child rise and then is bring up by the nation from 7 years old, and be engaged in athletics,military to train, live a military lifeThe war needs soldier, the soldier needs strong body, but the athletics is the emollient means that the development can advertise for to fight well soldierThe war promoted Greece athletics exercise of open an exhibition, the event of the ancient Olympic game also takes to have obvious military brandingThe successive warfare makes the people feel abhorrence, widespread hope earnestly can have a depend on to living by rest and recuperate an interest of peaceful environmentAfterwards Sparta king and the benefit the king sign"sacred cease fire a month" treatyHence, train to contest and athletics for the military that prepares manpower resource, change into the sports games of[with] peace and comity gradually

Ancient Olympics summary record

Ancient Olympic game since 776 BC, to 394 years, experience 1168, held 293 totallyPress its origins,rise and fall, is divided into three periods mostly:

(1)776 BC to 388 BC, although this that expects each city nation at that time contain conflict, the Greece is a nation of independence, the politics,economy,cultureses are all more flourishing, is the gold period of the sports gamesEspecially 490 BC, Greece Athens after the Marathon the river valley hurt greatly Persia a soldier, the people live and feel resolve to succeed, the national prestige flaps greatly, building many sport facilities,templeetc, taking part in a game all over each city in Greece nation of, the Olympic game is prosperous the pole become largest festival of Greece at that time

(2)The 388 BC starts decline to 146 BCBecause the Sparta and Athens long-term rush to withdraw war(431 BC to 404 BC), Greece national strength reduces greatly, Macedonia annexed by force Greece graduallyMacedonia gentleman WANG2 FEI LI4 still makes in person from attend horse-racingLater on Alexander although the oneself doesn't like the athletics activity, still supporting actively, and treat Olympic game as the tallest athletics movable opening ceremony of ancient Greeces, increase facilities for itHowever, this expect ancient Olympic game spirit to have already spoiled at that time, and start appear occupation athlete

(3)146 BC to 394 AD, ancient Olympic game from decline the alignment demolishThe Rome empire rules after the Greece, although the inception still holds a sports games, LIN2 PI YA3 is no longer unique contest groundIf 80 BC the 175th Olympic game, economic regulation in Rome call the excellent tournament in Rome to compete, but LIN2 PI YA3 held a young matchThe occupation athlete has already started a great deal of emergence at this time, the Olympic game became the game of the occupation contestant, the Greek lost interest to itAfter 2nd centry AD, the Christianity ruled to include Greece at inside of the whole Europe, initiate ascetici *** , lay claim to body and soul to separate, is opposed to the athletics sport, make Europe be placed in a Dark Ages, the Olympic game also declines immediately and gradually, keep to exist in name only393 years Rome emperor many wests an a life time declare the Christianity teaches for the country, think the ancient Olympic game againsts Christianity to teach an aim, is the heathen activity, the next year declares to abolish ancient Olympic game895 AD, the the river occurrence that does obeisance to share person and song a virtuous person arouses a war, making LIN2 PI YA3 's various facilities of ruin to lose almost exhausted426 AD many wests two a life times destroyed by fire the remaining part of the LIN2 PI YA3 's buildingAD522,continue occurrence for 511 years twice and severely earthquake, make LIN2 PI YA3 encounter to demolish thoroughlyPostponed the ancient Olympic game of more than 1000 years and don't reply to exist so, prosperous LIN2 PI YA3 became one ruins

Ancient Olympics inheritance

Although the ancient Olympic game perish, gave the mankind the society to leave a precious cultural wealth, the ancient Olympic game create of the tournament sport organization mode and Olympic ideal and spirit, produced profound influence to the modern athleticsThe ancient Olympic spirit is also respect by posterity and draws lessons fromAncient times"Olympic spirit" main contents is:

(1)The spirit of[with] peace and comityThe ancient Olympic game reflected people a desire peaceful will;At"sacred cease fire" each city of period nation the people can associate,go into business freely trip, reflect people to emphasize comity

(2)Respect fair,equal,the spirit of the competitionThe athlete takes an oath before the match:"Don't be win victory with means been falsely!"Since is a kind of society's norm for the person's idealization, also reflected people to fair,equal,the desire of the competition with respect adore

(3)Pursue strongly built spirit of human bodyThe ancient Olympic game is not only the game of[with] physique but also a strongly built game, its body now ancient Greek of pursue strongly builtly to the human body

(4)The performance"conquer an idea to show" of take win victory as to pursue quickly to enter spirit courageouslyThe ancient Olympic game is a kind of form of the ancient Greek demonstration ego,the performance oneself value, the athlete arrives at the match field, be want to excel other people, become a championThis is a kind of to encourage a person to enter to heading up courageously and investigate continuously with the social progressive valuable motive