
导读: 他们不甘于平凡,不屈于未来,用炽热的青春将一切浩瀚归于渺小,用激越的奋进将一切困难踩在脚下。他们在当下迈出的每一步,都将成为未来发光的星。不畏山高路远,总要走向远方。下面是我精心为大家整理的运动会解说词完整版,欢迎阅读。更多运动会解说词相





 (男1)在“做事求实,做人求真”理念的引领下,我们奏响崛起的号角,勇敢 启程!












 七年三班:女2现在像我们走来的——是七年三班。看,这雄健有力的步伐、整齐划一的队伍。看,青春洋溢的脸庞、坚强自信的目光。七年三班是一个团结奋进的集体。听,铿锵有力的呐喊,积极乐观的口号:自爱,自信,自强!七年三班是一个阳光进步的集体。在本次运动会上,我们七年三班一定信守承诺、遵守大会各项纪律,赛出成绩、珍惜友谊,谨记实验学校校训:做事求实、 做人求真。





 七年八班:男2迎面向我们走来的是七年八班的运动健儿们,他们英姿飒爽、充满活力,眼神中燃烧着 *** 与活力,他们用嘹亮的口号呐喊着“青春无悔”加油吧!年轻的心,我们为你欢呼!加油吧!青春的你,我们为你自豪!让我们共同祝愿他们能在运动场上谱写华章。

 七年九班:女2下面,迈着整齐而矫健的步伐向我们走来的是七年九班代表队!他们朝气蓬勃,他们英姿飒爽!这是一支崭新的队伍,更是一支团结奋进的队伍!追逐着九月的和风,沐浴着初秋的阳光,他们在用自己的拼搏书写着"今天我以实验为荣"的篇章,播种下" 明天实验将以我为荣"的理想!脚踏实验的沃土,挥洒青春的骄傲!祝福你们,努力吧,成功就在前方!

 七年十班:男2放飞理想、放飞 *** 、青春飞扬、永争之一!七年十班正迈着雄健的步伐,昂首向主席台走来;这是一个敢于梦想,敢于拼搏的团队。这是一个团结进取、奋发向上的班集体。挑战自我,争创一流是他们的目标!他们正用今日的汗水谱写着明天的辉煌,加油, 七年十班!

 七年十一班:女2看七年十一班的群体同学正喊着响亮的口号,踏着坚定有力的步伐向我们走来!稳中求进 挑战自我是十一班的起点不懈努力。认认真真做事堂堂正正做人是十一班不变的信念。今天十一班的健儿们将为班级荣誉而战。让我们为他们每一个拼搏加油吧!

 七年十二班:男2七年十二班是一个青春、活力、团结、有爱的集体。愿如阳光的你们照亮世界,愿如繁星中独一无二的你们去温暖黑暗。在刚刚结束的军训汇演中,我们班取得了第二名的好成绩。这次运动会,我们坚信:我们七年十二班会再次以斗志昂扬的气魄赢得佳绩!口号:挑战自我 突破自我。






 八年一班:女1看! 八年一班的运动员们走过来了!,朝气与活力在每一个人身上洋溢,友爱与鼓励在每一个人心中传递,八年一班素有团结拼搏的优良作风,永争之一是他们永不放弃的口号!整齐的步伐踏着他们的坚定,灿烂的微笑写着他们的热情,嘹亮的口号体现着他们的实力。他们有一颗非我莫属的年轻的心,他们是一杆永争之一的青春的旗!





 八年六班:男1 “百尺竿头须进步,十方世界是全身”。看!八年六班代表队正迎着朝阳,踏着晨光,斗志昂扬地走过来;这是一支顽强拼搏的队伍,这是一个团结向上的集体。自强、弘毅是他们的精神,求是、拼搏是他们的信念,友谊之一,比赛第二是他们的宗旨。他们相信只要勇于付出敢于拼搏,就一定能获得成功的喜悦。加油,八年六班!



 八年九班:女1追逐九月的和风,沐浴金秋的阳光,正向我们走来的是青春洋溢,朝气蓬勃的八年九班方队,张扬着明媚的笑脸,梳理着纯色的羽翼,微笑,源于自信;拼搏,因为年轻。我们会用 *** 与汗水去创造赛场的奇迹,也必将用执着与勤奋去书写未来的辉煌。








 (女1)火热的 *** ,执着的竞争,一定会彰显“勇于探索”的精神;





Sue Barker: Good afternoon In case you are wondering that how important the Olympic Games are and that what it means to the athletes then those three “wise men” should know since they have been to twelve Olympic Games between them So let’s say we are here in Beijing and we are now in this magnificent ninety-one thousand seats stadium It’s the national stadium; it’s affectionately known as “the Bird’s Nest” We are preparing for what is promised to be, a truly spectacular opening ceremony It won’t start though until 8 o’clock as promised, 8 o’clock local time on the 8th day of the 8th month, 2008 So you won’t miss a thing

But now for many years have sport and politics had such an uneasy unbalance There has been political conflict; there have been international protest and environmental fears As well, there has been so much debate since the People’s Republic of China and Beijing were awarded the games back in 2001 Huw, the world is watching China around Beijing, can you put these games into political contexts for us please

Huw Edwards: Well, Sue, this is quite something This is basically China saying to the world: we arrived; we are a 21st-century super power; we can do the best Olympics ever They spent 40 billion dollars on these games Nothing can go wrong as far as they are concerned

Sue Barker: Carrie, Can you tell us what the Games means to people in China

Carrie Gracie: Well, as far as I can see, people here are really not exposed to the negative messages we have been talking about: the protest, the environment worries, the heavy-handed security Most people are proud They are ready to party after seven years of getting ready

Sue Barker: There are other issues involved here, Michael For example, President Bush is here for the Opening Ceremony tonight For the first time the American president is on the foreign soil for opening ceremony What has been the reaction to that back home in the United States

Michael Johnson (4-time Olympic champion (1992-2000)): I don’t think many people are really so surprised that he decided to come here, and I think his decision is less political I think he probably made the personal decision that he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to come here, to see this and to be a part of the ceremony, regardless of anyone thinks back at home

Huw Edwards: This is how the Games of the 29th Olympiad are beginning 2008 drummers are beating the count-down in a way that has never been before The drummers themselves are producing remarkable electrifying effect

Sue Barker: These are the full drums calling up the ancestor 4000 years old, 2008 of them

Huw Edwards: They are waiting for the signal, for the final count-down that Beijing has been waiting for seven years A minute to go

Huw Edwards: The Bird’s Nest stadium is filled by energy of these drummers with the very precise message carried

Sue Barker: Yes The message is from Confucius saying two and half thousand years old “Friends come from the far How happy we are!”

Huw Edwards: This is the bird’s-eye view across the centre of Beijing The fireworks are creating burning footprints all the way from the Tian’anmen Square, up the central axis, to the Olympic Green and the neo National Stadium

Sue Barker: So much resonance to the imperial China here The Confucius, who of course was taboo during the years of the revolution, now is back in style So are these imperial accesses right through the Forbidden City, and all the identifying marks of five thousand years of the united imperial history

Huw Edwards: There will be twenty thousand fireworks used for doing this opening ceremony, and the dust creates the Olympic rings Five rings represent the five continents, the symbol of Olympic unity, unity of mankind in sport

Sue Barker: You can see the performers suspended, floating through the air and coming down from the huge wires attached to the roof of this stadium What is worth mentioning is this is a kind of 21st-century take-on of Buddhist figures you find on the walls of caves of Dunhuang This is the reference to China’s huge northwestern Tang Dynasty spread of the Silk Road

Huw Edwards: The rings, which are magically made of dust, now somehow raise in this stadium, indicating the arrival of the Olympics in China

Carrie Gracie: The genius behind this very original opening ceremony, Zhang Yimou, is very much back in now In a way, he is the story of contemporary China He told us the other day that he wanted this ceremony to say to the world: romance, family

Huw Edwards: What he also says is that China is very proud of its 5000 years of civilization It is not afraid to modernize

(After the raising of Chinese national flag)

Another spectacular display of fireworks, not just over the Olympic Stadium but over the city The red flag flutters inside the national stadium Is the red flag saying something about Chinese history as well, Carrie

Carrie Gracie: Well, yes, because that’s about what all we are going to say about Chinese Communi *** in this opening ceremony The five stars on the flag signify the unity of the country and the leadership of Chinese Communist Party But we are going to say about a lot more of this kind of images, the traditional, the calligraphy, the culture, the sophistication of ancient China

Huw Edwards: Indeed What’s now going to happen is that we are going to enjoy different phases of Chinese history, different aspects of Chinese culture, some of them quieter, some of them on a very big scale

Very clever is the way they led us from the little film introducing the theme of the scroll to this actual scroll, which is on the floor of this arena It measures at least 25 meters in width and the length covers the entire length of the arena itself, so believe me, it is big And this would be the canvas on which lot of tableaus will be painted

Carrie Gracie: We are going to say that the wash painting developed in China during the Tang Dynasty To begin, artist puts a few drops of water on ink stone, grinds the ink in circular motion, and then paints with a brush made of wolf hair or horse hair

Huw Edwards: While the painting goes on, the stream of cultural icons of Chinese historical progress flows on the painting scroll itself Very cleverly done

Carrie Gracie: This is the Guchin, the ancient seven-stringed instrument we hear at the same time We are going to see many of Chinese instruments during the course of this opening ceremony, and this is one of the most harmonious to Chinese ear And the whole theme of this ceremony is harmony

Huw Edwards: The Guchin, as Chinese say, has a history of three thousand years, and they claim it is the oldest pluck instrument in the world I’m sure there will be other views on that, but this is the claim being made

Carrie Gracie: These are ‘the three thousand disciples’ of Confucius, whether he really had three thousand, no matter, but certainly he does in this performance What they chant is “All those within four seas can be considered as brothers” from The Analects, Confucius’s most famous work

Huw Edwards: They are holding bamboo slips, a kind of books with scripts carved on the stringed bamboo slices Again, the energy created by these men inside this stadium is remarkable

The three thousand disciples of Confucius are celebrating learning, celebrating Chinese philosophy, and that learning of course takes the forms of books and paper, and of what we are going to see – the printed words

Carrie Gracie: Confucius had the habit of speaking truth to the power when in and out of favor – Here we have the example of the first movable type system, which was created here in China, out of ceramic blocks, around 1041 AD It was in 1450s for Europe to introduce what generally regarded as the independent invention of moveable type, and that was created by Germany’s Johannes Gutenberg

We see here the evolution of one character, one special character which holds the clues to everything else this evening This character is “he”, and it means harmony

Moveable type began in the Sui Dynasty in the sixth century Bi Sheng, in the Song Dynasty, improved the matter by making clay types and print Every Chinese school child is told that the movable type is one of the greatest inventions of ancient Chinese civilization, along with the gun powder, the paper, and the compass There is the modern character “he”, the one that you will see written in China today

Huw Edwards: Peach blossoms, romantic and enjoyable, demonstrating the sweetness, peace and love in Chinese people



The footprints in their history stretch back 5000 years,

but for the world's greatest wall builders,

makers of a forbidden city,

what happens tonight is not merely a *** all step,

but a great leap

China is welcoming the world

Who will they be when this is over

The clock of their lives has been beating with a screaming urgency

They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge,

for this summer,

to be here,


and nowhere else

Beijing, the first ever Olympics for the world's most populous nation,

13 billion who framed the front-page story of the 21st century,

a China both outside time

and bursting every which way in a bewildering rush of transformation

They have made themselves anew,



so they might, on these days (if you want)

step into history

They've submitted to an uncompromising search for mastery,

repetitive motion, technique polished toward an impossible(guys) ideal



get up

It's not the triumph,but the struggle

It's not the triumph,but the struggle

It's not the triumph, but the struggle

Not the triumph,but the struggle

Why did they begin

Why do they endure

It is time for the colorful clash of a universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies

It is time to chase eternal youth

Time to defy public heartbreak, laws of gravity

Time for a Jamaican lightening bolt,

California brilliance

It is time for the sweetly engaging gymnast from West des Moines,

and the poised daughter of a decorated Olympian

It is time for the one who has endured the grinding burden of mind-blowing expectations

Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over

Are we about to see the fastest race ever

A dynasty confirmed

A victory cheered by a billion voices

They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge,

for the scintillating prospect of enduring accomplishments,

to leave these games as the greatest Olympic champion of all time

They have made themselves anew,

for this summer,

for Beijing,

for this









1、解说跳水的有个女的说:“这名运动员的身材比较修长 大家可以欣赏一下”


3、 女子举重。。。解说员:“她终于打破了金牌!拿到了记录!”



6、韩大嘴前几天解说游泳比赛时说:“运动员只要身体任何一个部位触壁都可以,你就是用 头去撞都可以!!!”







12、韩乔生语录:“奥运会总之就是:更高 更壮 更强。”


Vaughn☆ 回答采纳率:778% 2008-08-17 10:49 检举






7、西班牙罚球不进,张解脱口而出: 好球!







14、上海的《相伴加油》节目。有一个观众打 *** 进来,主持人阿楠问他看了今天的比赛什么感想。他说:我不像别人那么夸张,我很平静。主持人又问:那你怎么个平静法呢?他说:恩…我很激动…






19男子举重,解说: XX没成功后,现在谁都想“染指”这块金牌


21、女排。男解说:呀~ 这球开的难度真有难度~
