
导读:《足球尤物》百度网盘免费资源下载: https://panbaiducom/s/10cPre8itwCvXNfGcN4mxUQ 提取码: jqz4    《足球尤物》是2006年梦工厂出品的一部青春爱情片,由安迪·菲克曼执导,查宁·塔图姆、



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足球尤物 She's the Man (2006)75

阿曼达·拜恩斯 Amanda Bynes

女, 生于1986年4月3日 ,美国加利福尼亚州Thousand Oaks

星座: 白羊座


女主角阿曼达·贝尼斯,年仅20岁,是新一代的美国青春偶像。早在10岁她就作为小童星出道,在一个周六晚上黄金时段播出的热门青春剧《All That》中担任主要演员,从此一炮而红,并在该剧中一直演了4年。之后又有一系列的电视剧作品,包括为她量身定做的《Amanda Show》等等。2002年,她开始转战大荧幕,不过由于年龄和风格的限制,阿曼达出演的几乎都是青春片,例如《What A Girl Wants》之类。本片中阿曼达开始想要有所突破了。她一改往日的甜美性感小女生样,开始玩起了“假小子”的招数。不知这一招是否会为她的演技加分,让她尽快脱离“青春花瓶”的路线,避免重蹈大多数青春偶像的覆辙。

除此之外,作为一部青春喜剧,不该缺的俊男美女本片可是一个也没缺,再加上部分大胆 *** 的镜头,反正该有的噱头都找齐了。观看此类片的宗旨是不求演技但求养眼,如果搞笑比较成功当然就锦上添花了。


薇欧拉突然灵机一动,为什么不代替身材相似的哥哥报名呢,何况哥哥学校的足球队正是自己以前足球队的最强敌手!足球的吸引力加小小的复仇心态,心动不如行动,造型师一番打扮,薇欧拉果然报名成功!但一切可没她想象的容易,住进男生宿舍的她要保持 *** 帮简直太困难了!更让薇欧拉不知所措的是,她居然爱上了英俊室友杜克(钱宁·塔图姆)。


Amanda Bynes

更新时间: 2005-11-11 18:07:38(4789)




Thousand Oaks, California, USA


Amanda Laura Bynes




Amanda L Bynes



Amanda Laura Bynes was born on April 3, 1986 in Thousand Oaks, California The youngest of three children, she became interested in acting and performing from the very young age of three, when she would say her older sister Jillian's lines with her while she performed in plays It was from then on that her family and friends knew that she would be a star some dayHer acting debutwas in 1996 when she auditioned for and got the role as a newcomer on "All That" Right away, she became very popular as people enjoyed her acting and skits, especially the "Ask Ashley" skit where she played a little girl running an advice column who would get very angry every time she read a letterIn 1999, thirteen-year-old Amanda was given her own variety show, "The Amanda Show," in which she starred in all of the skits except "Totally Kyle"In 2001, she co-starred with Frankie Muniz in "Big Fat Liar" as Kaylee, Jason's friend who helps him prove that he really did write the essay "Big Fat Liar" and regain his father's trust It was also in 2001 that she began dating Taran Killam, from "The Amanda Show" and "Big Fat Liar," who is four years and two days older than she is She also won a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awardand, at age fifteen, ended "The Amanda Show"In 2002, she began co-starring with Jennie Garth in "What I Like About You" as Holly, a 16-year-old girl who moves in with her sister after their father decides to move to Japan She also celebrated her Sweet Sixteenth birthday and got her drivers license on April 3, 2002In 2003, Amanda won two KCA Awards and starred as Daphne, a girl searching for her father in "What a Girl Wants" with Colin Firth and Kelly Preston as her parents She continued acting in "What I Like About You" and broke up with TaranOn April 3, 2004, Amanda celebrated her eighteenth birthday on the 17th Annual KCA Awards where we she won an awardfor best actress for her role in "What a Girl Wants" She graduated from Thousand Oaks High School's independent study program on June 10, 2004 and filmed "Lovewreck" in 2004


1 她是个男人 She's the Man (2006) Viola

2 All That 10th Anniversary Reunion Special (2005) Various Characters (archive footage)

3 Lovewrecked (2005) Jenny Riley

4 机器人历险记 Robots (2005) Piper

5 Assembling 'Robots': The Magic, the Music, & the Comedy (2005) Herself

6 The Making of 'Robots' (2005) Herself

7 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '04 (2004) Herself

8 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '03 (2003) Herself

9 2003 MTV Movie Awards (2003) Herself

10 夏洛特的网2:韦柏历险记 Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure (2003) Nellie (voice)

11 父女大不同 What a Girl Wants (2003) Daphne Reynolds

12 The Teen Choice Awards 2003 (2003) Herself

13 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '02 (2002) Herself

14 大谎言家 Big Fat Liar (2002) Kaylee

15 "What I Like About You" (2002) Holly Tyler

16 Rugrats: Still Babies After All These Years (2001) Narrator (voice)

17 Rock & Roll Back to School Special (2001) Herself

18 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2000 (2000) Presenter

19 "The Amanda Show" (1999) Host/Regular Performer/Penelope Taynt

20 "Figure It Out" (1997) Herself/panelist (1997-1999)

21 "All That" (1994) Regular Performer (1996-2000)