
导读:World University Games, known as "Little Olympics," said, by "organized by the International University Sports Federatio

World University Games, known as "Little Olympics," said, by "organized by the International University Sports Federation, only college students and graduates of not more than two years of college students (age limit is 17-28 years old) to participate in the world of large-scale integrated Games was initiated in 1959, its predecessor, the International University Games As of March 2009, the World University Games have been held 25 sessions

In 1960, the imitation of the Olympic Games competition system, and Chamonix in France, organized the World University Winter Games Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games are in odd-numbered years and held since 1981 to be held in the same year To 1999, the World University Winter Games have been held 19 sessions, events have speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, cross country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, ice hockey, Nordic, snowboarding

世界大学生运动会,素有“小奥运会”之称,由“国际大学生体育联合会主办,只限在校大学生和毕业不超过两年的大学生(年龄限制为17-28岁)参加的世界大型综合性运动会。始办于1959年,其前身为国际大学生运动会。 截止至2009年3月,世界大学生运动会已举办过25届。


April 6, 1896, was definitely a day to remember King George I of Greece announced the opening of the first International Olympic Games in Athens A total of 245 athletes from 14 nations competed in the ancient Panathenaic stadium

In this first modern Games, the winner was awarded a silver medal The second athlete was given a bronze medal while the third athlete received nothing

The man who re-introduced the Olympic Games to the modern world was Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) of France He was enthusiastic about the Games because he thought they were similar to the French education system, which combined moral and social education in school games

He travelled the world to gather support for his dream to have countries come together in the name of sport "The important thing in life is not the victory but competing; the main thing is not to have won but to have fought well," he said

Coubertin held an international meeting in Paris in 1894 and established the International Olympic Committee Two years later his ideal — bringing together the youth of the world in a friendly competition - became a reality at the first celebration of the modern Olympic Games

From the start of the modern Olympics, male athletes of every race, religion, and nationality have been allowed to participate

No women competed in 1896 A few female golfers and tennis players were allowed to take part in the 1900 Games Female gymnasts and track-and-field athletes first competed at the 1928 Games Women's Olympic sports have grown hugely since then Today women make up about half of the total number of compe *** s

This has not been the only change Figure skating was part of the Summer Games of 1908 and 1920, and ice hockey was played in 1920 They then became part of the Winter Olympics, which was first held in 1924 in France

Although founded to help world peace, the modern Olympic Games sometimes become a stage for political arguments The most controversial Olympics were the Berlin Games of 1936 Under the rule of the Nazis, German Jewish athletes were banned from the German team

The Olympic Games were interrupted twice during the First and Second World Wars The event was not held in 1916, 1940 and 1944




法国人巴隆·皮耶尔·德·顾拜旦 (1863-1937)将奥运会重新引入了现代世界。他之所以对奥运会热情很高,是因为他觉得奥运会与法国的学校教育具有相通之处,两者都将道德教育和社会教育融入到运动会之中。









届次 举办城市 举办国 年份 备注

1 雅典Athens� 希腊 1896

2 巴黎Paris� 法国 1900

3 圣路易斯St Louis, Missouri� 美国 1904

4 伦敦London� 英国 1908

5 斯德哥尔摩Stockholm � 瑞典 1912

6 柏林Berlin 德国 1916 因之一次世界大战未办

7 安特卫普Antwerp � 比利时 1920

8 巴黎Paris � 法国 1924

9 阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam� 荷兰 1928

10 洛杉矶Los Angeles� 美国 1932

11 柏林Berlin 德国 1936

12 赫尔辛基Helsinki� 芬兰 1940 因第二次世界大战未办

13 伦敦London 英国 1944 因第二次世界大战未办

14 伦敦London� 英国 1948

15 赫尔辛基Helsinki� 芬兰 1952

16 墨尔本Melbourne� 澳大利亚 1956

17 罗马Rome � 意大利 1960

18 东京Tokyo� 日本 1964

19 墨西哥城Mexico City� 墨西哥 1968

20 慕尼黑Munich� 原西德 1972

21 蒙特利尔Montreal� 加拿大 1976

22 莫斯科Moscow� 原苏联 1980

23 洛杉矶Los Angeles� 美国 1984

24 汉城Seoul 韩国 1988

25 巴塞罗那Barcelona � 西班牙 1992

26 亚特兰大Atlanta 美国 1996

27 悉尼Sydney 澳大利亚 2000

28 雅典Athens 希腊 2004

29 北京Beijing 中国 2008

30 伦敦London 英国 2012

The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen

The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole people to meet different color, race, religion and culture, the different parts of the world, they will become the college culture, world universiade culture and Chinese culture Zhu, love and attention in zhu, service institutions, zhu is shenzhen teenagers glorious historical mission and reality For youth and vigor 4 shoot the universiade, youth for the universiade and colorful However, a good host, light enthusia *** is far from enough 回答者: 12杰哥 | 二级 | 2011-5-1 08:02 | 检举

据分析,申办大运会,深圳机遇与挑战并存。申办优势主要表现在四个方面:一是国家教育部、体育总局和省 *** 是申办工作的坚强后盾;二是经过25年发展,深圳综合实力不断增强,已具备承办重大国际赛事的实力。另外现有的体育场馆经过扩充改造,完全能满足举办大运会的需要;三是北京第21届大运会给国际大体联留下深刻印象,他们对中国举办大运会充满信心;四是深圳市气候、地缘、环境、交通等都具有明显优势,海陆空立体交通十分便利,到2011年地铁三号线还将通至新建的龙岗奥林匹克体育新城。但与此同时,面临的挑战也不少:2001年起大运会已连续几届在亚洲举办,另外,由于各国对世界大学生运动会越来越重视,申办城市之间的竞争也将非常激烈。这些困难不可小视。





许宗衡对申办工作提出了三点要求:一是要坚定信心,志在必得。经过25年的发展,深圳已经具备承办重大国际赛事的物质条件和综合实力,同时中央、省委、省 *** 的大力支持以及全国人民对深圳的关心关注,都是申办工作的优势。我们要清醒地认识到所肩负的责任和使命,坚决按照李鸿忠同志提出“要把申办世界大运会作为深圳建设国际化城市的标志性大事、世纪性工程来抓”的指示精神,勇于面对困难,周密规划、扎实工作,争取最后成功;二是要全力以赴,通力合作。申办执行委员会要创新工作理念和服务模式,建立集中、高效的服务规范和内外协调的工作机制;申办工作标准要从高从严,善于抓住重点、难点和关键环节;各有关部门和单位要各司其职,各负其责,形成合力;三是要广泛发动,全民参与。申办工作要全市动员,调动各方积极性,凝聚各方力量,切实把申办工作变为全市人民的自觉行动,同时要加大宣传力度,为申办工作营造良好氛围。


The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided the following year to hold the first session of the International University Games In 1924, the First International University Games (International Universities' Games) held in Warsaw, athletics, swimming and fencing three events Since then, the games from time to time held in 1939 organized a total of eight sessions After the Games, was interrupted by World War II in 1947 has resumed However, in 1951 the causes of the international situation changes, split into East and West, two games, the West called "International Students Sports Council", the East is called "Youth Student Games" or "Youth Friendship Games" The two camps organized by their respective organizations and Universiade

In 1957, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the French National Federation, was held in Paris an international University Games and the International Cultural Festival After meeting representatives of 30 countries unanimously agreed to decide the future of university students regularly organize sports competitions worldwide, known as the "World University Games," in principle, held every two years

In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries and 985 athletes participated in the race Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held 20 sessions

World University Games events generally have the formal requirements of the track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one For example, the host country, Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football 1979, an increase in Mexico in 1985 an increase of judo in Japan

In 1960, fake Olympic competition system, but also held in Chamonix in France, the World University Winter Games Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games respectively in a single number and held in even years, since 1981, changed to be held in the same year To 1999, the World University Winter Games have been held over 19 sessions of the competitions, there speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, ice hockey, Nordic combined, snowboarding

The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate In 1975, China was accepted as full members of the International University Sports Federation From 1977, the Ninth, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive

As the World University Games are second only to the Olympics Games, the world's large-scale comprehensive, self-organization of the first race in 1959, the world attach great importance to all countries, have sent the best athletes compete From the age of 60 since the previous World University Summer Games, a total of 18 broke the world record in track and field and swimming 回答者: 百艳天宝 | 二级 | 2011-5-1 09:47 | 检举

我是无奈下发的:我是一个叫冰枫的男孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了,司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了。你看见了这条消息后,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后被车撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着上面做了,在5天后,你喜欢的人也会喜欢你,对不起大家不无意中看评论看到了这个吓死我了。不管是真是假我都害怕!所以只能乱发了`!对不起啊`!我真不想害人的(转发的 回答者: 热心网友 | 2011-5-1 18:03 | 检举

我是无奈下发的:我是一个叫冰枫的男孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了,司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了。你看见了这条消息后,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后被车撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着上面做了,在5天后,你喜欢的人也会喜欢你,对不起大家不无意中看评论看到了这个吓死我了。 回答者: 热心网友 | 2011-5-3 12:59 | 检举

据分析,申办大运会,深圳机遇与挑战并存。申办优势主要表现在四个方面:一是国家教育部、体育总局和省 *** 是申办工作的坚强后盾;二是经过25年发展,深圳综合实力不断增强,已具备承办重大国际赛事的实力。另外现有的体育场馆经过扩充改造,完全能满足举办大运会的需要;三是北京第21届大运会给国际大体联留下深刻印象,他们对中国举办大运会充满信心;四是深圳市气候、地缘、环境、交通等都具有明显优势,海陆空立体交通十分便利,到2011年地铁三号线还将通至新建的龙岗奥林匹克体育新城。但与此同时,面临的挑战也不少:2001年起大运会已连续几届在亚洲举办,另外,由于各国对世界大学生运动会越来越重视,申办城市之间的竞争也将非常激烈。这些困难不可小视。 回答者: liuxingchen13 | 三级 | 2011-5-3 15:27 | 检举

Hhsfhs fhlgj hgdujdPhsjsw ehdi kfife fjifk oejdwkcsBkfjkf

kfkgk hdjd kfkfr hfrHdfuhef fjhern ehdse jdwief at Friday 回答者: 热心网友 | 2011-5-3 16:06 | 检举

21 回答者: 974627321 | 一级 | 2011-5-4 13:12 | 检举









Compiled version to neat, clean Never make two bites of a cherry Not such a windbag, illustrated Content as follows: Civilized, polite, heavy etiquette, laughing, zhu nearly universal meet from myself Good temperament, language is elegant, environmental optimal, first-class image, from a lot of long heart is made Fix the subway, enlarge hui, xi deep green zhu hope Learning manners, changing the vices, neat plastic civilization horizontal hillock Zhu street meet fresh taste, tree ascension show horizontal hillock civilization Tree words wind, elegant made clean the virtue of the gang 回答者: 569606109 | 二级 | 2011-5-9 18:04 | 检举


素有“小奥运会”之称,由国际大学生体育联合会(英语:International University Sports Federation;法语:Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire)主办,只限在校大学生和毕业不超过两年的大学生(年龄限制为17-28岁)参加的世界大型综合性运动会。



The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen

The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole people to meet different color, race, religion and culture, the different parts of the world, they will become the college culture, world universiade culture and Chinese culture Zhu, love and attention in zhu, service institutions, zhu is shenzhen teenagers glorious historical mission and reality For youth and vigor 4 shoot the universiade, youth for the universiade and colorful However, a good host, light enthusia *** is far from enough 回答者: danny1122 | 三级 | 2011-5-9 18:35 | 检举

我为中国骄傲啊!!祝大运圆满成功!!希望你们能帮助大运!!让大运成功举行!!-----朱伟迪 深圳的光明东周!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









