
导读:99女足世界杯主题曲《Because We Want To》下面还有歌词We can do anything we want We can do anything we want We can do anything we want We


《Because We Want To》


We can do anything we want

We can do anything we want

We can do anything we want

We can do anything we want

Why you gotta play that song so loud

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always run around in crowds

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always have to dance all night

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always say what's on your mind

Because we want to! because we want to!

Don't try to tell me what i already know

Don't criticise me 'cause i'm running the show

Some revolution is going to happen today

I'm gonna chase the dark clouds away

Come on and help me sing it

We can do what we want to do

We can do anything

Free to be who we want to be

Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always run around in crowds

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always have to dance all night

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always say what's on your mind

Because we want to! because we want to!

I throw a party for the world and my friends

We take life easy, the music never ends

Perfect solution to the stress and the strains

I know the sun will follow the rain

Come on and help me sing it

We can do what we want to do

We can do anything

Free to be who we want to be

Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always run around in crowds

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always have to dance all night

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always say what's on your mind

Because we want to! because we want to!

So shake it, move it, use it, groove it

Go with the flow and take off with the show

Let me tell you its sweet and its upbeat

Me and the crew there's nothing we can't do

If you want to catch this vibe then get with us

Come on and help me sing it

We can do what we want to do

We can do anything

Free to be who we want to be

Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always run around in crowds

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always have to dance all night

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always say what's on your mind

Because we want to! because we want to!


中美两国女 *** 战历史显示,两队共50次交锋,中国队8胜11平31负处绝对下风,其中世界杯赛场仅为1平2负,即使是最辉煌的1999年,铿锵玫瑰依旧在点球大战4-5惜败,痛失冠军。中国女足在奥运会和世界杯上与美国女 *** 手,从未战胜国美国队。历史上中国女足6次闯进8强战,2015年扩军后之一次通过淘汰赛之一轮。第1届女足世界杯 8强战,中国0-1瑞典,无缘四强第2届女足世界杯 8强战,中国1-1瑞典(点球3-4负)无缘四强第3届女足世界杯 8强战,中国2-0俄罗斯,半决赛中国5-0挪威,决赛中国0-0美国(点球4-5负)无缘冠军第4届女足世界杯 8强战,中国0-1加拿大,无缘四强第5届女足世界杯 8强战,中国0-1挪威,无缘四强第6届女足世界杯 中国女足未挺近决赛圈第7届女足世界杯 8强战,中国vs美国加拿大女足世界杯四分之一决赛:上半区 (45)中国(37)vs美国(38) 6月27日7点30分 渥太华(46)德国(39)vs法国(40) 6月27日4点 蒙特利尔下半区(47)澳大利亚(41)vs日本(42) 6月28日4点 埃德蒙顿(48)英格兰(43)vs加拿大(44) 6月28日7点30分 温哥华半决赛:(45)vs(46) 7月1日7点 蒙特利尔(47)vs(48) 7月2日7点 埃德蒙顿三四名决赛:7月5日4点 埃德蒙顿冠亚军决赛:7月6日7点 温哥华



之一届女足世界杯 19911116-1130 中国队成绩 - 第五名

第二届女足世界杯 19950606-0618 中国队成绩 - 第四名

第三届女足世界杯 19990619-0710 中国队成绩 - 亚军(更好成绩)美国0-0中国(点球5-4)

第四届女足世界杯 20030916-1012 中国队成绩 - 第六名

第五届女足世界杯 20070910-0930 中国队成绩 - 第五名

第六届女足世界杯 2011年,中国队没能进入女足世界杯

第七届女足世界杯 2015年,中国队成绩 -第五名。