谁知道99年女足世界杯主题曲because want to的歌词 谢谢了!

谁知道99年女足世界杯主题曲because want to的歌词 谢谢了!
导读:记得最早听到Billie Piper的《Because We Want To》是1998年,说实话,当时我真的有些嫉妒,这个声音有些甜腻的丫头15岁已经登上英国单曲榜冠军了,可我依旧得和教科书作业瞌睡虫热火朝天地奋战,只能无力地感叹中国的教

记得最早听到Billie Piper的《Because We Want To》是1998年,说实话,当时我真的有些嫉妒,这个声音有些甜腻的丫头15岁已经登上英国单曲榜冠军了,可我依旧得和教科书作业瞌睡虫热火朝天地奋战,只能无力地感叹中国的教育制度,然后为作为年轻的“小老太”默哀一记。再次听到这首歌是第二年的夏天,此时这首歌变成了女足世界杯的主题曲,不知不觉也喜欢上了它的活力,而演唱它的小妮子在我眼中也变得可爱漂亮起来了。

《Because We Want To》歌词

We can do anything we want

We can do anything we want

We can do anything we want

We can do anything we want

Why you gotta play that song so loud

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always run around in crowds

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always have to dance all night

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always say what's on your mind

Because we want to! because we want to!

Don't try to tell me what i already know

Don't criticise me 'cause i'm running the show

Some revolution is going to happen today

I'm gonna chase the dark clouds away

Come on and help me sing it

We can do what we want to do

We can do anything

Free to be who we want to be

Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always run around in crowds

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always have to dance all night

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always say what's on your mind

Because we want to! because we want to!

I throw a party for the world and my friends

We take life easy, the music never ends

Perfect solution to the stress and the strains

I know the sun will follow the rain

Come on and help me sing it

We can do what we want to do

We can do anything

Free to be who we want to be

Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always run around in crowds

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always have to dance all night

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always say what's on your mind

Because we want to! because we want to!

So shake it, move it, use it, groove it

Go with the flow and take off with the show

Let me tell you its sweet and its upbeat

Me and the crew there's nothing we can't do

If you want to catch this vibe then get with us

Come on and help me sing it

We can do what we want to do

We can do anything

Free to be who we want to be

Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always run around in crowds

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always have to dance all night

Because we want to! because we want to!

Why d'you always say what's on your mind

Because we want to! because we want to!



《Waka Waka》及 非洲时刻

国际足联与索尼音乐娱乐公司共同宣布,由著名拉丁歌手夏奇拉创作并参与 *** 的歌曲《非洲时刻》,被选为2010年南非世界杯官方指定全球唯一主题曲。这首世界杯官方主题曲的英语及西班牙语版本2010年4月对外公布。5月11日,歌迷开始通过数字下载的方式获得这首歌曲。同时此曲也将被收录于2010年5月底FIFA与索尼音乐娱乐共同发行的2010世界杯官方音乐专辑《Listen Up!》中。世界杯期间,此成为 *** 上炙手可热的歌曲之一。

世界杯主题曲十大歌曲有:《We are the champions》、《The Cup Of Life》、《A Special Kind of Hero》、《Waka Waka》、《Hips Don’t lie》、《Wavin Flag》、《意大利之夏》、《Time of Our Lives》 、《Boom》、《Anthen》。

1、《We are the champions》

皇后乐队最著名的单曲之一,发行于1978年初,由乐队主唱Freddie Mercury 作曲。同期发布的还有另外一首超级经典的“We will rock you”。这两首歌都以昂扬向上、震撼人心见长,因此,被大量的体育甚至政治场合借用。现在常用于各种体育赛事以弘扬体育精神。而且曾在世界国际歌霸被誉为“更佳摇滚乐”激励奖。1994年,它还成为当年美国世界杯的主题曲。

2、《The Cup Of Life》

《生命之杯》(西班牙语:La copa de la vida,英语:The Cup of Life)是一首由波多黎各裔歌手瑞奇·马丁录制演唱的歌曲。1998年3月3日作为专辑《Vuelve》的第二首单曲发行。《生命之杯》成为在法国举办的1998年世界杯足球赛的官方主题曲,在法国和世界各地的许多国家高居音乐排行榜的首位。

3、《A Special Kind of Hero》


4、《Waka Waka》

非洲斯瓦西里语中的一个动词,意思是:火焰,热烈的燃烧,闪耀等,在东非诸国通用,同时也是非盟及多国的官方用语。亦一歌名Waka Waka (This time for Africa) 是哥伦比亚歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)所演唱的歌曲,同时也是2010年南非世界杯的主题曲。