
导读:My favorite althlete in 2008 Beijing OlympicsMy favorite althlete in 2008 Beijing Olympics is Liu XiangLiu Xiang was bor

My favorite althlete in 2008 Beijing Olympics

My favorite althlete in 2008 Beijing Olympics is Liu Xiang

Liu Xiang was borned in Shanghai on 31st of July, 1983 His height is 189 centimeters and he is a professional athlete Liu Xiang's hobby is singing and he is always willing to help others Moreover, he always keeps a positive mind Besides, Liu Xiang donated to Sichuan earthquake-hit area to express his concern

Although Liu Xiang quited the match because of serious injury, I still admire him And all the Chinese wish he could recover as soon as possible and fight back to the match fields!

“That was spectacular Tonight, the world was able to join in a magnificent tribute to the athletes and the Olympic spirit It was an unforgettable and moving ceremony that celebrated the imagination, originality and energy of the Beijing Games”

“We saw 204 national delegations march into the beautiful new National Stadium in the age-old tradition of the Games Millions of people around the world were able to experience the thrill of seeing their heroes in a sea of team colours and national flags”

Tonight wasn’t the end of a journey, but the fantastic beginning of 16 days of outstanding sport competition This was a night to remember — for the Chinese people, and for the world”

“As I watched the rehearsals for this ceremony, I knew this night would be absolutely astonishing However, the actual event exceeded all my expectations This was an unprecedented and grand success”






The Chinese are acknowledged around the world for being some of the most highly persistent and efficient people on the globe They sure did not disappoint in organizing the most amazing Olympic opening ceremony in history

The ceremony, witnessed in the newly built "Bird's Nest National Stadium," could not have been more astounding, remarkable, mind-blowing, and staggering as it was Every event installed into that jaw-dropping ceremony flawlessly meshed together to endow the fans one hell of a night

Speaking of the fans, Zhang Yimou (producer of the opening ceremony) amazingly inserted the audience into the celebration by issuing each and every spectator a flashing lantern that combined to immaculately fit the festivity

While 15,000 performers executed their practiced routines to the audience, the flashing lanterns vividly accompanied the excitement One could not see the audiences' faces, but the lanterns indicated the fans were indeed visible

With the inexplicable high technology blazing in the Bird's Nest on Aug 8 came children in costumes representing 56 Chinese ethnicities, a wacky Chinese pop star, a spinning globe, moving blocks operated by HUMANS, and 2008 Chinese drummers that lit up the Beijing skies as their beat shocked the globe

The countdown to the initiating point of the festivity was "technologically wired" The first glance a spectator witnessed accompanied a startling response Hell, I even think the performers were surprised by their own dominant showdown

The most electrifying portion of the opening ceremony arrived when the electronically jaw-dropping stage hosted a series of moving blocks, that, according to Bob Costas of NBC, recited ancient Chinese beliefs of Confuciani *** that featured the symbol of "Harmony"

Technology, the vital theme of the opening ceremony, was surprisingly illuminated by humans For all of you who observed the moving blocks, anyone would have certainly said they were operated by machines The way the blocks moved looked like they were operated by machines However, by the completion of this part, out popped 2,000 Chinese performers

Right at that moment, my eyes were practically glued to my television screen, while one of my friends yelled "THIS IS NOT HUMAN"

After the nations that were participating at the Olympics were presented to the arduous crowd, another "non-human" aspect emerged A former Olympic star, held on by two wires, was lifted to the top of the stadium, only to be seen trotting on an opening scroll while carrying the torch

In addition, the fireworks gracefully lit the Beijing sky to initiate one of the most spectacular games the 21st Century has witnessed

After every Olympics opening ceremony, whether it was Athens or Sydney, most have claimed that it was the "Best in history" However, the 2008 Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony could truly be labeled the most awe-inspiring Olympic opener ever

I am deeply sorry for London when it begins organizing the next Olympic Games China has already set the bar at the highest level possible


Beijing National Stadium, or bird's nest, will be the central location for the 2008 Summer Olympics The government received many entrees for design Thirteen designs were showcased in Beijing for public vote Of those, three designs entered the final competition The design from a Swiss-based architecture firm that collaborated with China's Institute of Architecture Design and Research won While most comments are positive, some residents feel it seems "messy and incomprehensible" Another worrisome item was the "disproportionate" cost of the retractable roof, which would have taken up one-eight of the total cost They decided to omit that feature

It's nick-name "bird's nest" came from the media who felt that it did indeed look like a birds nest This look is caused by curved steel-net walls that function to integrate the stairs, walls and roof into one system The stadium covers and area of over 140,000 square meters an will hold up to 100,000 spectators Its construction is budgeted at almost 450 million USD Considering its size, it is an environmentally conscience building Some of it's "green" features include: rainwater collection system, translucent roof providing sunlight to the grass, and a natural ventilation system Inflated cushions will be installed inside the structure to provide protection from the weather The lobby will have restaurants and shops

During the Olympics it will be the site of the Opening and Closing ceremonies, as well as all track and field events After the Olympics it will be used for national and international sporting events and cultural activities


The Water Cube was initially designed by PTW Architects (an Australian Architectural company) [2], CSCEC International Design and Arup with structural Engineers Arup conceiving the structure The structure was built by CSCEC (China State Construction Engineering Corporation) Comprising a steel space frame, it is the largest ETFE clad structure in the world with over 100,000 m² of ETFE pillows that are only 1/125 (or eight one-thousandths) of an inch in total thickness,[3] The ETFE cladding allows more light and heat penetration than traditional glass, resulting in a 30% decrease in energy costs[3]

The outer wall is based on the Weaire-Phelan structure, a foam (structure formed by soap bubbles)[4] The pattern is formed by taking a slice through the foam, and it was chosen in preference to the Kelvin foam because the more complex Weaire-Phelan structure results in more irregular, organic patterns than slices through the regular Kelvin foam[5]

The structure will have a capacity of 17,000[3]during the games that will be reduced to 6,000 afterwards It also has a total land surface of 65,000 square metres and will cover a total of 78 acres (32,000 m²)[3]

Many people believe Water Cube to be the "fastest" Olympic pool[6] in the world It has a depth of 3 meters, a meter deeper than most Olympic pools Deeper pools reduce the water disturbance, leading to faster swimmers Coupled with the newly introduced faster Speedo LZR Racer swim suit, it is expected that many records will fall in the Beijing Olympics

1、2008北京奥运会是(29届)奥运会。 2、北京申办2008年奥运会的申办口号是(“新北京、新奥运”)(英文:New Beijing Great Olympics)。 3、中国奥委会现任主席是(袁伟民)。 4、北京2008年奥运会的理念是(绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运)。 5、奥林匹克运动的格言是(“更快、更高、更强”)。 6、2008吉祥物福娃的名字分别是(金鱼-贝贝,熊猫-晶晶,圣火-欢欢,藏羚羊-莹莹,雨燕-妮妮。) 7、北京奥运会开幕式将在(新建的主体育场--国家体育馆(鸟巢)举行)。 8、中国之一块奥运会金牌获得者是(许海峰)。 9、中国(女排)在第二十三届洛杉矶奥运会上夺得了中国三大球的之一个奥运会金牌,实现了三连冠。 10、2008北京奥运会的口号是(“同一个世界,同一个梦想”)。 11、规模更大的奥运会是1988年在(南朝鲜汉城)举办的第(24)届奥运会。是第(二)次在亚洲举办的奥运会。 12、2001年7月,赴莫斯科出席国际奥委会第112次全会的北京申奥代表团团长是(北京市市长刘淇)。 13、2008奥运会(2008年8月8日)开幕。 14、2008奥运会赛馆分别在:奥运京外比赛场馆青岛|香港|天津|上海|秦皇岛|沈阳青岛国际帆船中心[帆船] 上海体育场[足球预选赛] 秦皇岛奥林匹克体育场[足球预选赛] 香港奥运赛马场[马术比赛] 天津奥林匹克体育场[足球预选赛] 15、奥林匹克标志是(由个奥林匹克环套接组成,可以是单色,也可以是蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5种颜色。环从左到右互相套接,上面是蓝、黑、红环,下面是黄、绿环。整个造型为一个底部小的规则梯形。奥林匹克标志象征五大洲和全世界的运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。)。 16、2008残奥会的吉祥物是(福牛乐乐)。 17、1952年6月10日, *** 主席为新中国体育题词(发展体育运动,增强人民体质)。 18奥林匹克运动的发源地(奥林匹亚为奥林匹克运动的发祥地,位于希腊首都雅典)。 19、世界乒坛皇后是(邓亚萍)。 20、雅典奥运会是(刘翔)取得了110米跨栏的冠军。 21、奥林匹克的口号是(“重要的是参与,不是胜利”)。